Dr. Jason Diamond, star on hit TV show Dr. 90210, talks Self-Esteem

DR. JASON DIAMOND, MD, FACS brings his artistry and expertise to the practice of facial, plastic and reconstructive surgery. Like a discerning artist, he brings out the unique beauty of each patient.

Learn his philosophy on helping people feel better about themselves. Visit his website at www.jasonbdiamond.com/

10 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein

This list was compiled by blogger Jay White but I added my 2 cents. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Here is the list of 10 things you should do to live an amazing life:

1. Follow Your Curiosity

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

What piques your curiosity? The pursuit of your curiosity is the secret to your success. Live curious.

2. Perseverance is Priceless

“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

Are you willing to persevere until you get to your intended destination? Do not be so quick to give up on the important things in your life. The struggle builds character.

3. Focus on the Present

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

Learn to be present where you are; give your all to whatever you’re currently doing.  Focused energy is power, and it’s the difference between success and failure. What is it that you can do and be doing right now to move one step closer to your dreams?

4. The Imagination is Powerful

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” Are you exercising your “imagination muscles” daily, don’t let something as powerful as your imagination lie dormant.

5. Make Mistakes

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

Never be afraid of making a mistake. A mistake is not a failure. Mistakes can make you better, smarter and faster, if you utilize them properly. Discover the power of making mistakes. Winston Churchill said, “Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” So, go ahead!

6. Live in the Moment

“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

The only way to properly address your future is to be as present as possible “in the present.” I love looking into the future but I’ve noticed that too much of that takes away from the present ability I have to experience life to the fullest.

7. Create Value

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

Don’t waste your time trying to be successful, spend your time creating value. If you’re valuable, then you will attract success. Discover the talents and gifts that you possess, learn how to offer those talents and gifts in a way that most benefits others.

8. Don’t Expect Different Results

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

In order for your life to change, you must change.

9. Knowledge Comes From Experience

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

What’s the lesson? Get experience! Go out there and do it. Just do not under estimate the power of reading, learning from other’s experiences and your thirst for knowledge.

10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

I came about this content via an article from Dumblittleman.com, yes I really don’t like that website title but the content was pretty awesome. What did you think?

Love. Learn. Leave your Legacy.

10 Steps to Break the Habit of Procrastination

I will not even ask you if you have procrastinated in the past because I know you have but I will ask you: Do you still hesitate or wait before making a decision or taking action on something that will potentially create progress in your life?Procrastination

You see, procrastination is defined as the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.  That means that if you are procrastinating… you are selling your dreams and aspirations short.

Some time ago I started noticing that I would procrastinate on some tasks – like this blog you are reading; I actually had 80% of it done a long time ago but I put it off for some reason. Do you ever put of something important that you could do today for a later time? Why is that? Well, I had to look into it further because I know that this is a habit that affects the success of millions of people.

You see, we have enormous potential to accomplish amazing things in our lives and too often because of the lack of clarity or inner power – we hesitate, doubt or fear ourselves out of the life we could have. But before we settle with this negative habit that causes us disappointments, stress, unaccomplished goals and decreases our self-confidence let’s break it down and then identify what we can do to start regaining that inner power and remove procrastination out of our lives once and for all.

Freud’s “Pleasure Principle” states that we tend to avoid pain and seek pleasure in order to satisfy our biological and psychological needs. One theory is that we procrastinate because we are avoiding the pain of doing that which we are putting off.  Others say that we procrastinate as a mechanism of coping with the anxiety of starting or completing a task.  Yet others say that we will delay on doing a task not on the anxiety of the task but on the impulsiveness of our nature towards anxiety – meaning, anxiety will cause delays only if we are impulsive.

I would summarize procrastination as an unconsciously developed habit that stems from hesitancy around the unknown or the avoidance of the uncomfortable.  Regardless of the causes, it is up to you to take full responsibility for your actions and to not let procrastination eat away at your potential. 

At the end of the day, a practiced behavior becomes a habit and the habit, just by the nature of it, will reinforce itself thus making it difficult to change but don’t lose hope – we can change!

Here are 10 things that you can start doing today to break your habit of procrastination.

  1. Make a list of everything you have to do – Keep an updated list and look at it every day.
  2. Write a statement of intention – For example, “Today I promise myself I will clean out the garage”.
  3. Set realistic goals – Like, I will complete the first page of my paper due next month instead of I will finish my 10 page paper by tomorrow.
  4. Break it down into specific tasks – Clarity gives you more a road map that makes it easier to follow.
  5. Make your task meaningful – At the end of the day, you must care about doing what you set out to do, if not – you will find it hard to have the energy to finish the task.
  6. Promise yourself a reward – If I organize the room today I will treat myself to the movies tomorrow.
  7. Eliminate tasks you never plan to do. Be honest with yourself!
  8. Estimate the amount of time you think it will take you to complete a task. Then increase the amount by 50%. – Give yourself breathing room.
  9. Develop time-management skills – Try a planner, your computer, post-it notes, a list, and alarms with reminders but don’t give up – you will find a system that works for you.
  10. Lastly, ask yourself: does it depend on me to do or does the task have other contingencies? Sometimes it’s not just up to you to complete something – in those cases you must learn to do what you can and give up control.

Les Brown once said that “There is nothing as powerful as a made up mind. Do not give yourself another excuse to put off making up your mind. You know in your heart of hearts that once you do that you have got to act. You owe it to the world, your family, and most importantly, to yourself to live a life of no regrets.”


Go out and make up your mind to take one or a few of these steps I mentioned above to get things done. You deserve to live your dreams. You deserve to accomplish your goals. If you decide to take this to heart and start building momentum by taking focused action without procrastinating, you will achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Please let me know how procrastination has affected you or how you have overcome it.

Do not wait to achieve tomorrow what you could achieve today.

What will be your legacy?

I truly believe we need more individuals to come together for the greater good of humanity – we need to step out and transcend our self-imposed boundaries – we need to move more synergistically in the direction of progress – while we each, as individuals, leaves a legacy built on our individual passions and talents… the future of our country depends on it.
The dictionary definition of legacy is something that is handed down from the past or is also defined as a gift of property or money through a will. Now, I am sure we are not just interested in just talking about property or money so I see the value in clarifying a deeper meaning of legacy for all of us while sharing with you my passions on what legacy means to me.

Part of my personal mission is to “Leave a Legacy”. I see our legacy and what we are passionate about as one in the same realm – I see it as our God given purpose to align our gifts, talents, strengths, passions, aspirations and our creation power to render the best service to humanity.  I believe this concept resonates with our life’s purpose and it transcends all cultures.  There is an inner human need to feel unique and for each of us to know that we are here by no accident, that each of us has a purpose. I know this to be true – you are no accident, you are here for a very special purpose.

In some way, through what I do, I inspire those I come in contact with to follow their unique passions and to be authentic; those two attributes are key ingredients to finding out the legacy you want to leave behind.  In my coaching sessions we go through a process of self-discovery where we explore values, identity, passions, interest and the needs of my clients to.  I am confident that through a process like this one, we can shed light on which path to take in life.  Ultimately, I believe legacy is the contribution we leave to humanity; it is what we leave behind because of our existence – it’s what we do, who we become & how who we are influences those around us.

As human beings, the greatest value we can bring to our country, the greatest legacy we can leave behind to society begins by being our authentic selves and by utilizing our unique talents, dreams and passions to bring value to others.  It is my belief that the greater our self-awareness, the higher the chances we have in finding our passions and our life calling.  Once we grab hold of our purpose… we have the potential to create a meaningful legacy.

Now, your contribution may not be money, it may be in the form of being the best parent possible, the lives you touched by being a good friend – it might be in the service you rendered that few took notice of… whatever it may be, I truly believe that we must pursue it and carry it out with everything we are!

You can begin moving in the direction of building your legacy by asking yourself: Where am I going with my life? Consciously open yourself to the possibility of the changes that you will make ahead to align more of what is important to you with where you are going with your life.  I would like to challenge everyone to look and constantly analyze the direction your life is going in.  If we are not obtaining the results we are after as individuals or as a society then maybe it’s not about trying to change our doing as much as our being – which starts with our thinking. So ask yourself:  Who am I becoming? A great follow up question is; who do I want to become? Then see the gap between the two and create a plan to start making those changes.

You can leave a meaningful legacy; your life can be fulfilling. It’s time to take an inventory of yourself…

Become a High-Performer Starting Today

As I study high achievers and begin to understand what sets them apart I start to realize that the key differentiators are NOT natural talents but more of a process of developing certain habits over the course of their lifetime. When it comes to being more effective and efficient with our time here are some tips. Take one and use it, take them all… each of them helps.

  • Know what you want. Attaining clarity as to exactly what you want to have, do or be. That means clarity in every part of your life; in your career, business, health, relationships and so on.
  • Ask yourself, is what I am doing right now the best use of my time?
  • If a task doesn’t need to be done, get it off your to do list.
  • Decide in advance what you have to get done and then commit to doing it. Without a clear focus, it’s too easy to get distracted.
  • Identify your peak cycles of productivity and schedule your most important tasks then. I know mine are early in the morning or a few hours before bed time. When are yours?
  • Identify your highest value activities and do those first. Tackle your most important tasks you will be far more effective the rest of your day.
  • Block out time for the most important activities.
  • Chunk the big tasks into smaller, group similar tasks together to save time.
  • Pick up the tempo. (Speaking, walking, typing, reading, doing…)
  • Take action immediately after setting a goal, even if the action is not perfectly planned. You can always adjust course along the way. This is a good way of overcoming procrastination.
  • Use reading to fill in those odd periods like waiting for an appointment, standing in line, or while the coffee is brewing.
  • Visualize your goal as already accomplished. Put yourself into a state of actually being there. Make it real in your mind, and you’ll soon see it in your reality.
  • Once you begin a task, stick with it until it’s 100% complete. Don’t switch tasks in the middle. When distractions come up, jot them down to be dealt with later.

Feel free to comment and tell me if you have found out any more tips. The reality is that no matter where you are starting from you are likely to have the opportunities to achieve massive success. All of these habits are learn-able.

Your Business. Your Life. Your Potential.

We are taking Business Coaching to the NEXT LEVEL. Are you ready?

Your business and life inevitably overlap and operate most effectively and efficiently when you are in alignment with your core values and vision – where one energizes and motivates the other. For your business to grow and improve, you must also grow and improve as a person. More specifically we know that there are certain patters and habits of thought that are impeding you from taking your life and business to the next level and our coaching can make all the difference.

Managing a career or a business is a challenge. A ‘big picture’ mentality and an objective strategic approach can assist you in running a successful career or business, instead of your career or business running you. We have the solution you need.

Zealous Vision partners with Skyline Strategies Group, LLC to bring your business coaching.

A powerful partnership committed to bringing an outcome oriented coaching process focused on creating the results you are looking for. We partner with business owners, executives or other professionals to determine the goals that are aligned with a person’s highest potential and vision. Our coaches will identify psychological drivers that when activated or maximized can ramp up your results. Our coaches are not only committed but passionate about helping, empowering and inspiring you to take your venture to the next level. They are trained to utilize a powerful coaching process to break through limitations that have held you back in the past. Our Business Coaches possess an exceptional and valuable combination of business and life skills combined with a vast knowledge of the psychology of achievement to assist busy professionals achieve more and reach higher levels of business and life success. The best part is that you will see a quick and obvious return on your investment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

We are committed to long-lasting results. We have systems in place to create a realistic and systematic plan aimed to:

  • Achieve specific and strategy goals important to you
  • Discover and eliminate the self-defeating behavior and eradicating thoughts that sabotage your business and life success
  • Reclaim or reinforce accountability for achieving goals within a desired time frame

Our approach will give you:

  • A strong sense of structure and organization
  • Renewed energy, motivation and enthusiasm
  • Clarity in your direction and purpose
  • A customized action plan to achieve your goals
  • Continuous accountability to remain focused and on track
  • A system to measure and manage results
  • Higher levels of performance
  • Increased satisfaction
  • Personal growth
  • Need we say more…?

Find out more about Skyline Strategies at www.sklstrategies.com

Characteristics of a High-Performer

Time and time again history has shown us the lives of remarkable human beings that attained monumental achievements and made their mark in the world. What may not be looked at all the time is that they too were human beings with character flaws, human beings that made mistakes, human beings that failed time and time again… but that ultimately left a legacy we can all admire.

So if they were just human beings like you and me; what eventually led them to much success, at least in some areas of their life?  There are so many variables to that answer that I will have to include the complete answer in my book but for now let’s look at some of the characteristics of high-performers so we can become aware of what we can do on a day-to-day basis to improve our performance.

In my definition, a high performer is someone who is fulfilled, maintains balance and health and consistently practices effectiveness and efficiency in the realization of a worthy goal.  I would not consider someone who is neglecting his/her family, health or some other aspect of his/her life for the attainment of a career goal to be a high performer.  In essence, a high performer boils down to someone who exercises awareness and discipline consistently in a focused direction.

High performers are aware of their mission, values and their purpose which gives them their why, what and how of life.  High achievers set goals that help them live their values, attain their mission and live on purpose; those are worthy goals.  There are many ways of embarking on a journey of self-discovery that will aid us in understanding those areas of our soul.  Yes, it could take us a whole life time to find ourselves but high achievers know that experiences will mold them so they don’t wait a lifetime to define themselves. They become aware of their values, define their mission and decide on their purpose.  Once you have those clearly defined on paper, making decisions on what direction to go in life becomes much easier.

High achievers also practice daily disciplines. Now many people hear the word discipline and cringe because it may remind them of discomfort, pain, and/or hard-work and, who likes that? Research has proven that we first tend to consciously or unconsciously choose our habits but ultimately our habits will create the quality of our life.  So if we think about it, to avoid a greater amount of pain and discomfort in our lives it is best to discipline ourselves to practice effective habits.  In doing so, those habits will soon become automatic and we will begin to have better results in our lives with less effort.

Here are a few simple habits that if practiced daily can make all the difference in your life:

  • Consistently focus your energy/thoughts on what you want. Not on what you don’t want or on fears or doubts.
  • Spend time every day to learn something new, something that will further your career or make you better.
  • Always be optimistic; always be solution oriented.
  • Just do it; have action orientation.  Just get it done.
  • Maintain and build positive associations. Who you spend your time with makes a BIG difference.
  • Remind yourself of what you are grateful often. Gratitude opens your heart to happiness.
  • Stay resilient. Keep on keeping on in the midst of struggle or failure.

So remember, if you embark on your own journey of self-discovery life will be more fulfilling; if you define your mission, values and purpose decisions will be much easier to make, especially in those forks of life. Practice the habits I mentioned – daily, they will create in you the characteristics of high-achievers and succeeding will come more naturally from there. Until next time, God bless.

The Power of Focus

Today I wanted to share a little on the power of focus. Now I am sure we have all heard time and time again to focus, that if we focus we will get more done but how many of us actually practice that day in and day out.

We tend to bring into our lives what we consistently focus on and what we focus on expands just by the nature of it. Wouldn’t it make sense to become aware of where our focus is going so that we can be more proactive as to what we are creating in our lives?

Understanding how high-achievers focus and applying that in our lives can make a huge positive impact in our career and in our level of fulfillment and satisfaction.

For a long time now, it has been obvious to all of us that there has been an ever growing accessibility of available knowledge and the advances in technology have made that possible. Also, in an effort to cut cost companies are now demanding higher productivity from its employees where they asking you to do more with less and less time and/or resources; I am sure we can all relate.

We also know that our world is experiencing an accelerated rate of change; if one thing is constant is change. We might even feel like there are never enough hours in the day.  But the answer to achieve more – faster, control the rate of change in our lives and still be able to spend quality time with our loved ones is to utilize the power of focus.

Just as the sun’s rays when focused through a magnifying glass can create intense heat – when you focus your knowledge and skills on a few key activities you are able to accomplish much more than the average person can in far less time leaving you with more time to spend time with your loved ones.

The key to utilizing the power of focus is first to be crystal clear as to the outcome we are looking for and then to identify and put our attention on accomplish just that. We can maximize that power by finding the few activities that if we do consistently will generate us the biggest results, instead of just keeping busy like most people and having little to show for at the end of the day.

One thing we can be sure of, there are never enough hours in the day to do everything but there will always be enough time in the day to accomplish the most important tasks.

So spend a few minutes and clarify exactly what you want to accomplish. Then find the most important activities that you have to do to accomplish what you set out to do. Finally, block out the time and commit to doing them. I would recommend doing nothing else but the most important activities first thing in the morning. By doing so, you will begin to accomplish more and more in less time. You will be producing higher value results and ultimately will reach your goals faster.

Until next time,

Love much, learn often and leave a legacy!

Nuggets of wisdom from MREA

A couple of weeks ago I started reading The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, not because I wanted to become an agent but because I am moving into the area of training agents on the mindset of performance and productivity.  Just finished the 300+ page book this past week; I love learning.  I would recommend everyone to invest a few hours each week to reading a good non-fiction book. This is why…

Let’s say that you read at half the speed of the average person and you only invest 3-4hrs per week to read; you could still be reading about 24 books a year! In a few years you could have read more than most read in a life-time. The way I like to explain it is: you could learn a decade’s worth of wisdom in one good book. Imagine all you could save and how much faster you could achieve when you have the knowledge. If we are open, knowledge molds our philosophies to mimic the philosophies of the successful.

No one can accurately judge what the future holds but we can be certain that as long as we are alive our decisions shape our destiny and our philosophies shape our decisions. For those that might be interested in a summary of the first section of the book, full of good philosophies, read on.  Here are some points I picked up in the first section that talks about mindset:

  • Think Big, Act Bold, Live Large… Become the best you can become.
  • The key to becoming the very best is to think at a very high level.
  • Small goals tend to place limits on our potential achievement.
  • Our reality of what is possible is largely based on what we are focused on.
  • Build up the momentum and it will carry you through the small goals.
  • The greatest aspect of life is that our past does not dictate our future, we have the ability to choose a new path at any given moment and that is what matters most.
  • Those that achieve greatness are those that think greatness every single day.
  • Life and business can be complex but the road to success is fairly simple.
  • Find the simple answers to complex questions but keep taking action.
  • Life can be complex but the path to joy, peace and love is very simple.
  • One of the greatest stumbling blocks to achieving great success for people is that they cannot get their heads around how obvious and uncomplicated success can be.
  • Complexity is really just the accumulation of simple ideas added together.
  •  Peter Drucker says that “plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”
  • Mark Victor Hansen author of The Aladdin Factor says that “the size of our answers is determined by the size of our questions.”

All this from 10 pages of the book! Reading is a habit of the successful. Make it your habit.

Our Mind is like a Magnet

I just love being able to see the big picture and connect the dots when it comes to understanding success. I am developing some very interesting models for my up-coming book but when I came across this image I just thought it would be perfect to share.

Your thoughts do ultimately lead to the creation of our reality is so many ways. There are limitless possibilities of thoughts, of actions and of attitude; the essence of these three determines much of our outcomes and much of the manifestation of our reality. Just a thought. Interesting? My previous blog explains this law in more detail.